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The Beginning

Well hey! I’ve started a blog and this is the first post. Welcome. it’s been something I’ve thought about starting on and off again for some time. So I’m doing it.

A little bit about me you ask? My name is Kathryn Miller and I am a wife to Drew, mother to Linus (2 years) and June (9 months). I was born in Bradenton Florida, and the beach is forever the place I feel most at home. I now reside in Charlotte, NC where I feel extremely fortunate to stay at home with my babies. French fries have remained at the top of my favorite foods list for almost 30 years now and no matter how hard I have tried, I cannot be friends with mushrooms. I have a love for music, fitness, good healthy food, Jesus, a good experience, traveling, the movies, and my incredibly UH-mazing family. You can read more about my clan over on the about section. 

So what can you expect to find in this space? I know this platform will take on different forms and colors during life’s seasons and I’m still finding my voice in the new. However, there are a few things I do know I want it to be from the beginning. I want it to be a place of “you got this,” “you can definitely rock that outfit,” and a whole lot of “same.” For instance-

You tried to workout today, but you ended laying on the floor watching ellentube insead. Sa-hame. You are trying hard to remember the last time you washed your hair but can’t. Yep, same. You wore the same thing everyday this week. No way! Same. Sometimes you feel lonely, crazy, and super grateful all at once because you hang with your kids more than anyone else. SAME. There are times you let what people think get to you. Umm me too. You have bad days, off days, leave me alone days. Freaking same-o.

I want to share in a way where people are able to feel part of a community. This is a place to connect over meaningful/deep things, but also some lighter stuff. Like “Hey guys I live for turkey chili, here’s a recipe” (blog on that coming soon) and “I’m really feelin this outfit and it’s on sale!” You will get to see the happenings of the Miller family, places we travel, our home, outfits I love, and fitness related posts. Celebrating and enjoying life in it’s smallest moments and some big. I believe sharing life in this context can be a gift. With that, I will do my best to keep it real while also providing boundaries for my fam. I am excited to grow an online family, and if you made it to the end of this post, you’re probably already part of it, and I’m super grateful for you.  The best way to follow along is through my instagram: @kathrynlynne !

I’m still trying to get the website to where it needs to be and there will be a lot more content to come! For now,  you can enjoy some photos of my people that Kelsey Schwenk from Kelsey & Nate took.

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